Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Coursera Final Assignment : Choosing the best Location in East Central London

I am working in an MNC in London, United Kingdom for 5 years. Now my company wants to expand its business in London. So in order to do so, it has to open a lot of new shops particulary in East Central, London.
So me being the country head of United Kingdom, the company wants me to move to the East Central London in order to look after the new shops in a more better way and also I can address any problem happening there in the new shops.
Now the problem is that I am current living in West London with my family and in order to move to East Central London . I need to shift my family too and in order to get reimbursement from my company I need to show them a perfect location in the East Central London for my living.
So that I can get a place which is near from every good and exotic locations of our stores in East Central London and can have my family there and also look upto these stores whenever needed.
I am required to present a report in order to give a best location for purchasing a house in the area of East Central London.
Since London is a very big city and according my budget the only locality I will be able to purchase a house will be in East Central. So I wanted a perfect location in that locality in which I can purchase my house and shift my family there,
London being such a big and world famous city, it is really hard to pick up a house to live that too in the East Central London as the place is a home for many foreigners.

IIn my analysis I found that living beside Bank of England or Cannon Street it will be the best place for me as they are close to the locations where I need to work ok and look after my I my stores and also so I will be able to get remuneration for my home in those districts.n order to find out the best location in East Central London. I, first, decided to get the data of postal codes of districts of East Central London. I got that easily form wikipedia. In order to make the data compatible for analysis. I first have to find the correct table in order to make it compatible for analysis as there were two or more tables in the website. Initially it was difficult for me to find out the correct table but I used pandas data frame tools to find out the correct table and import it in my code.

After that I needed to find the latitudes and longitudes of the concerned districts. But what I had was of overall London. So I needed to refine the data in order to use it. I first dropped the unnecessary columns then I sorted the duplicates present in the code and then I merged the data with my required dataframe.
Then I imported the concerned libraries which will I need for my plotting and for my analysis. Use geo locater and folium maps, in order to find the coordinates of London or you can say East Central London then I used those coordinates and plotted the map of London along with the district data which I have. When I use my forsquare id and password to get the nearby locations of different district in East Central London.
It was important for me too find the best places according to the closeness from their main city so so I used FourSquare accordingly. Then I created a data frame for my when use according to their district location but it was difficult for me to identify the best district in the locality.
I find the top 10 places according to their distance from the the main city  and showed them according to their postal districts.
Then I perform the cluster analysis of ten clusters according to my data.

I will have to show the company a detailed report of my surroundings and for that I will perform some analysis over the area of the East Central London.

Sunday, December 15, 2019

The concept of Impermanence

We have all heard from people around us that nothing is permanent. Well, they may be right about it. Most of the things perish with time. Even the mighty Thor has said in Avengers: Endgame that the only thing in life is permanent in life is impermanence. Well, that was the line that forced me to write this blog. I wondered what he is absolutely right.

I compared this with the life of most of the people around me. I realized that not only the things but the relationships, love, and affection are not permanent. As we grow up we tend to forget the people who were valuable for us once in our life. When we were a child, we had different sets of friends. When we grew up, we had a different one. This same goes for the different stages of life. And that is the reason we have different sets of friends like childhood friends, college friends, work friends, and many more. There may be only friends who will be with us from the start to the end and that's too a very rare incident.

Biological relationships are also not permanent. We grow up with our parents and siblings. We visit our uncles and aunts. We get married. We start a new life with our better halves. We have children. And at last, we die. Well, this is the basic life path of each and every common man. And here we realize that when we die no one or maybe our children in their mid ages will gonna be with us.

Well, now I think I pretty much made my point clear. But it's not that we should never believe in relationships. Each and Every relation we make we always gonna have the memories of those with us. And that is how life works. We come, meet people and go. That's the truth.

Image Source:Flickr